Use a dictionary to enhance your vocabulary.

A thesaurus is also a kind of dictionary which provides words with closely related meanings.

This site from Vocabulary University helps you build on your vocabulary.

The Cambridge, and Oxford dictionaries are standard English dictionaries.



Some words that are used together are called collocations. For example ‘strong coffee’‘rigorous process’, and ‘sustainale development’.

Collocations can be formed from various combinations of adjectives, nouns, prepositions, and verbs. For example:

  • adjective + noun:
                 The students highlighted some useful tips on how to prevent            

             food waste at home.

  • adverb + adjective

             It is technically feasible to reduce energy consumption across


 noun + noun:

  •             A lot of energy wastage is a result of people failing to switch

            off lighting when not in use.

  • verb + preposition/particle (also known as phrasal verbs):
                 You can cut down your carbon food-print by

             reducing meat consumption.

Useful Links

English Club provides examples of sample collocations.